Cara Menyetel Teman Tak Terlihat

How to make an audio or video call


imo now offers enhanced features for audio 

and video calls. Audio calls include Zero Noise, 

while video calls support Optimal Light, 

Filters, and Zero Noise. Access these features 

at the center of your screen during video calls.

1. Optimal Light:

Improve video quality in various lighting 

conditions. Swipe left or right to change 

lighting effects, or double-tap to adjust 

brightness using the light bar.

2. Filters & Beautify:

Personalize your video calls with a range of 

filters. Swipe to browse options and drag the 

beauty slider to fine-tune your look.

3. Zero Noise:

Eliminate background noise and enhances voice 

clarity. Turn Zero Noise on or off with a single 

tap on the feature button.

4. Background Blur:

Blur your background instantly by tapping the 

blur button.

For the best experience, please ensure you're 

using the latest version of imo.